Equal Opportunities
Hopscotch is a multi-cultural nursery through and through from every aspect from our staff, children, equipment to families and visitors. We are committed to continue to provide equal opportunities and ensure our day-to-day practices are non-discriminatory.
We are sensitive to the needs of all visitors, children and their families ensuring we understand their individual needs considering religion, race, family structure and children with English as an additional language, Special Educational Needs and religion. For further information please refer to the Special Education Needs Policy. The contribution of all staff is valued greatly and for example regular staff meetings are held, where ideas and issues are discussed and dealt with appropriately.
We are committed to dealing with any anti-discriminatory behaviour or language that occurs within our setting. We feel that it is inappropriate for any child or adult to use or behave in any way that could cause offence to others. Any such incidences are therefore dealt with according to our behaviour and disciplinary policy.
Hopscotch is a small nursery offering an equal opportunity within our admissions policy for children within the local community and beyond. Each child is valued and treated as an individual with an equal opportunity to learn and explore without discrimination, gender or stereotyping.
To be aware of children’s physical, social, emotional, intellectual and cultural needs. Resources and activities such as circle time are provided for children to give them a balanced view and encourage them to speak openly building confidence. This helps children to develop their own self-respect and help them to understand and appreciate the needs and differences of other children within the nursery setting regardless of race, disability or SEN. All children regardless of gender learn equality and fairness through the wide multi-cultural activities provided. We ensure that children with EAL are included throughout the day by a variety of ways for example: basic sign language, EAL cards, a close working relationship with parents or guardians, books, visual aids, bilingual staffing.
We take great care and consideration in appointing staff for vacancies within the nursery. Each applicant is given an equal opportunity to apply for a vacancy and interviews and appointment of staff are made, appointing the most suitable applicant for the position according to their experience, qualification and job requirement. Staff are regularly sent on appropriate training opportunities to ensure that the nursery as a whole continuously improves its knowledge and understanding of equality and diversity and ensures its inclusion in our daily curriculum. Staff work as role models in line with the code of practice and the fully inclusive ethos at Hopscotch offering appropriate change to meet the needs of individual children ensuring this information is shared with the childs guardian.
Our named equality representative Marie Abreu ensures that we work in accordance with all relevant legislation including:
- Race Relations Act 1976/Amendment Act 2000
- Sex Discrimination Act 1986
- Children Act 1999
- Special Needs and Disability Act 2001